
Showing posts from May, 2008

official coding stated

This week the official coding started. An monday Philip and I had a little chat on how I should proceed from now. The first thing is to integrate the prototype on which I worked on in the pre-coding time into Picard itself. Therefor I brached Picard on lauchpad. So feel free to check out my working copy of picard . Just keep in mind that you will also need the latest version of Mutagene to run picard's trunk. (Ubuntu folks go here )

Wizard: File handling setup

So, being back from London (was really cool meeting all those people) I started coding. I decided to start with the first run settings wizard that basically sets up the things that are accessible from the settings dialog too. Additional I'm trying to make the file naming easier by providing an overview of the existing scripting variables taken from the wiki . Here comes up a question I'm just think about: Should I save the description in a local plaintext file or should it be pulled from the wikipage? The second option would be nice on the one hand as the wikipage is easy to extend by non-coders, but everything could also break more easily, too, e.g. by changing the formating. Another idea that might be interesting to put on my schedule is the posibility of downloading and installing plugins available for picard but not included for e.g. legal reason using the wizard.

Diving into pyQt

I started learning pyQt and as far as I can tell I'm quite happy with my book. While I didn't have this big expectations on the book reading it is a quite a joy. The author starts by introducing python itself, but in a way also interesting to people experienced with python. Of course there are mentioned all the basic concepts in python but also some less known topics like things that are new in python 2.5 and even 2.6. So now I'm at the point of general principles on hand-coded dialog layout and the signal and slot concept. While having learned pyGtk and wxWidgets more from reading the reference it is really nice having everything introduced by well explained code examples.

timeplan update

Here is the updated time plan for the PicardQt Wizard: Total duration (Week numbers): 21 - 33 Layout: 21, 22 Sample Application: 23 - 27 mid term Evaluation Real Application: 28 - 32 Cleanup and other things: 33 ps: please someone write a gantt chart widget!