Hi, under the hood the wizard now is quite finished. But as I'm not a native English speaker I need your help at improving the support texts given inside the wizard. They are, as Robert stated a bit to formal and stiff. I really would be glad if some of you could have a look at the wiki page , where you can edit the texts.
Use frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice), mix it with water and pipe the steam into a PET bottle. When the bottle at roughly 22bar explodes you can shoot for example a toy chicken over more than 80 meters (We had serious problems to build a projectile that is not destroyed by the power of the launch). We built the device for a creativity competition at our university. And well, we could not place an object accurate on 20m but for shure we did it with the biggest impact. Music on Amazon and iTunes If you are curious, here some detail about the construction: For us secure handling was not only an option. We have seen some people that put water and dry-ice together into an bottle close it and put it into a pipe. But you have good chances that it will explode in your hands. So we put an PET bottle into our pipe and connect it with an CNC made adapter to the presure reservoir outside. Beside that, all parts are made from steel and welded. We experienced that a 1.5l coke bottle (actually we used...
While I did some research on how getting this to work I saw many people trying this without success. Here is the definitive guide on how you use OpenDNS with your Fritzbox: Make sure your firmware is up-to-date Enable telnet Login over telnet and type "cd /var/flash/", "nvi ar7.cfg" Search for overwritedns1 and overwritedns2 (they appear two times each) using the "/" key and "n" (next search result). Press "i" to get into edit mode and enter the opendns server as noted in the opendns linux guide ESC brings you back to command mode. ":w" saves the file and ":q" closes the editor again. type "reboot" to restart the fritzbox Restart you networking and you browser. The OpenDNS Site now should tell you that you are using OpenDNS already. Now you can create an account, set it to dynamic DNS, add network and login to dnsomatic. Now login to fritz.box using your browser and enter the following dynamic DNS settings...